finance, accounting, workshop, network tribe, training, albania

Finance for Non-Financial Executives

Are you looking to improve your skills to assess the financial strength of a company?  Are you a non-financial executive? We have the right program for you! The Finance for Non-finance Executives 3-day workshop is created for non-financial executives who want to have clear explanations, personal attention, and real-life examples on finance. It will be an exciting and fun way to help you be able to:

  • Know how to read & understand financials very well: a Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Cash Flow Statement, and Financial Projections.
  • Judge business plans, especially when a company is facing financial difficulties.
  • Predict future cash flows and assessing a credit risk rating by hand.

Target Group

This program is created for any non-financial executive who is striving to get a deeper understanding of the financials of a company. These onsite sessions will be held for up to 25 participants.


The first session of this 3-day workshop will be used to refresh knowledge, especially about cash flows. Thereafter, each morning and afternoon session will be spent on a case, applying a five-step learning process:

  1. A classroom introduction to the case
  2. Read and consider each case on your own
  3. Share your ideas with your team (+/- 5 participants)
  4. Discuss the case in class
  5. Reflect on how your initial ideas changed


The goal is to be able to read & understand financials in a higher level. Therefore, you will benefit from the following subjects:

  • Understanding the basics: balance sheet, income statement, cash flows
  • Measuring the debt burden
  • Judging liquidity
  • Identifying warning signals in the cash flow statement
  • Drafting an industry analysis
  • Assessing management quality and reliability of financial information
  • Preparing a financial projection to assess future cash flow quality
  • The impact of the corporate strategy and business plans
  • Assessing a risk rating by hand (=not by computer)

About the Trainer

Erik de Jong has worked at ING Bank for 22 years in the area of international credit risk management as a full-time trainer, manager, and analyst. Since 2010, he has been a freelance trainer and has trained professionals worldwide.

The Program

  • The toolbox
  • Cash flow analysis
  • Measuring the debt burden and liquidity
  • Industry analysis and “Product Life Cycle ó Cash Flows”
  • Financial projection “Back to the Future”
  • Management’s Attitude & Reliability of financials
  • Conclusions & Evaluation

Find the FULL PROGRAM here